Chia Seed and Flax Meal Egg

Over the years as I have gone through a variety of elimination diets or seasons of fasting for both  personal and religious reasons, I have had times where I am completely excluding eggs from my diet. In fact eggs are usually one of those foods that is removed when on an elimination diet. Maybe you're thinking that doesn’t apply to you and you're wondering why else you might want to substitute eggs in your recipes? Perhaps you simply don’t have enough eggs to put the egg frittatas together for the family tomorrow morning and still enjoy the mug cake you promised yourself as a treat tonight. Or, you would probably be surprised how many individuals have an egg sensitivity and don’t even realize it. Perhaps they make you more bloated or gassy than others experience. Whatever the reason a chia or flax egg can be a great alternative. Plus, you get the benefit of the added healthy fats and fiber that they have to offer to your diet as well. 

If you do a search online for making egg substitutes you will find instructions to take 1 part ground chia OR flax to 3 parts boiling hot water. Mix, let it sit, and add to the recipe. However, I have found over the years that I like having more chia in my diet and I like just how gelatinous it gets. I feel it goops together even more than the flax. The problem is, it can get lumpy. I find it clumps together at times, whereas my flax meal combinations stay smooth and even. And there you have it - my moment of inspiration- what led to the recipe below. I now blend equal parts chia and flax and I get the best of both worlds!

What you need:

-A coffee grinder

-Chia Seeds

-Flax Seeds (I tend to use flax meal because I always have this on hand in my house to add to the baking I do for my kids)

To Make the Blend:

  1. Add equal parts chia seeds and flax seeds (or flax meal) to your coffee grinder. I typically do 1 1/2 tablespoons of each. 

  2. Turn the coffee grinder on to a fine grind or espresso setting. 

  3. Use the blend immediately or store in an airtight container for later.

To Make a Chia-Flax Egg:

1 TB Chia-Flax meal blend

3 TB Hot Water


  1. Take your tablespoon of meal and place it in a bowl.

  2. Add hot water and stir to combine

  3. Allow mixture to sit for 5-7 minutes. It should become gelatinous. 

  4. Add to your recipes in place of your egg and enjoy!


-Try to resist the urge to make so much that you end up storing it for multiple weeks on end without using it. The oils can dry out and you won't have as good of results when you combine it with your hot water to use as an egg substitute.

-Occasionally this substitute will not work as well as a traditional egg. 

-If you have extra that you’ve let sit for the past month without using it- no worries. This is great sprinkled on salad or added to things like oatmeal, muffins, breads, etc. Enjoy it- No need to waist.


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